RonM wrote: 
> When CDs were young, they were often not very well done.  Especially
> when recorded digitally with early equipment.  For instance, Ry Cooder's
> Bop 'Till You Drop was the first major label release that was "all
> digital" and it just does not sound very good.  It's not hard to imagine
> a combination of inadequate recording/mastering/production, along with
> early inferior DACs in inexpensive CD players, resulting in a listening
> experience inferior to a tried and true (albeit limited) technology like
> vinyl.
> Situation is different now.  S****y CDs still abound, but it's usually
> the result of conscious decisions.  And probably no one on this forum
> actually has CD players with as poor sound reproduction as we probably
> all had in the 80s.

early CD players and many early CD recordings (some of those who proudly
declared themselves DDD on the back sleeve) were kinda yucky. plus our
ears maybe weren't used to all the digital "brightness", oh, and they
were 30 years younger too. :-)

of course i have some of those CDs, now as flac or MP3, and they still
sound utterly horrible (and they were converted correctly, so yes, bit
perfect original). so i still experience that "wow this sounds like a
64k MP3 and it's a flac" moment every once in a while when i come across

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