ralphpnj wrote: 
> It's Monday and that means a brand new piece of audiophile voodoo for
> you to enjoy:
> http://www.hifiplus.com/articles/first-listen-audioquest-diamond-usb-cable/?utm_campaign=Hi-Fi%2B+Weekly+Emails&utm_medium=email&utm_source=email-365
> Note: please read while sitting down and make sure that is nothing on
> hand to hurl at your monitor. In any event it does make for a most
> amusing read and don't forget to check out the comments section, perhaps
> even funnier than the main article.

$700 for a USB cable ... I guess I'm going to start a new business :)
Seriously, it is amazing to see that people can write such non-sense.
Well, at least it is not as bad as not "miracle medecine" that can
really hurt

LMS 7.7.2 - 5 radio, 3 Boom, 4 Duet, 1 Touch, 1 SB2. Sonos 2xPLAY:1,
PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, JBL OnBeat, XBMC, Foobar2000, XBoxOne
(sort of)
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