arnyk wrote: 
> Read his explanation for that here:
> If you read the articles at the above link, you will see that the RPDF
> dither was only one of several such asymmetries.

Thank you for the link Mr. Krueger!

Interesting discussion on the paradigm.

As for RPDF dithering as a "probe" for suboptimal DACs, it looks like
they acknowledge "the quantisation and dither tests were reported for
information but are not central to the point of the paper." Okay...

The last sentence of the Stuart reply: "we have continued this series of
experiments using different filters (including both shorter and
minimum-phase designs) and will be reporting these findings in the near
future." I'm sure we'll be looking forward to this paper.

So, I feel like I'm missing something here and curious about practical

1. As for the actual claims of "The Audibility of Typical Digital Audio
Filters in a High-Fidelity Playback System" per the title, what exactly
did they find here? (Other than suboptimal dithering being audible...)

2. What device uses 16-bit RPDF dithering which would be of any
significance for the hi-fi enthusiast these days?

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