rgro wrote: 
> In terms of the economic value of my time, I've spent 100X the cost of
> the device in question playing around with minute and very subjective
> adjustments to my speaker positioning.  There are many different "how to
> manuals", consultants, and opinions as to how one positions speakers and
> the fact that somebody uses one method vs. another and achieves their
> version of success/improvement doesn't seem to bother anybody in the
> least.  I'm sure there are 20 people who would both look and listen and
> tell me I've got the positioning wrong based on all manner of both
> science and subjectivity and that I am trying to solve problems that
> don't exist.  But, hey, the process was interesting, and I learned
> something.  The speakers sound really good to me right where they are
> now and I'm quite o.k. with that. Tomorrow, well....that's another
> matter, heheh.  

I'll bet money that the above waste of time and money came to be due to
a lack of investment in good test equipment and technology.

> Arny's going to do what he does and entertain people until his dying
> day....of that I'm quite sure.

More to the point, a number of people have been or are going to be
educated about how to get great sound with reasonable investments of
time and money.

> But I object, out of principle, to somebody trying to take down a
> person, company, or product by hiding behind a construct of rationality
> and dodging in and out of from behind that construct to take potshots at
> anybody and everybody who doesn't happen to agree with his opinion.

Thanks rgro for coming out against to people such as yourself who defend
themselves against the slings and arrows of rationality by means of
denial, dismissal,  and personal attacks.

And that would be the case for me in ANY similar situation
(audio-related or not) as I've got no skin in with either Arny nor the
Uptone folks. 

If you wanted to encourage me to  harm myself, you could make the ultimate
sacrifice and agree with me in public. ;-)

And, for now, opinion is all that Arny has as, in this case, he has
neither proved nor disproved ANYTHING.  

The lie here is that I intended to prove or disprove anything about The
Uptone products. I've repeated only called for rational testing and
evaluation of the product, which true to form its advocates have
apparently avoided to this day.

He is, in fact and in this case, no different than the device and
organization he's trying to disparage.

Thanks rgro for showing your true colors by personally attacking me based
on false claims. You've done more to hurt your own personal credibility
than I could ever do, as if I even wanted to.  In fact I'd love to see you
to start acting rationally and limit yourself to discussing the true facts
of the matter.

arnyk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=64365
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=103746

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