rgro wrote: 
> O.K., let me be very specific:  by ending your post with the question: 
> "Coincidence or disinformation of a kind?" you are attempting to
> not-so-slyly plant the seed that there may be some type of campaign by
> the company or some nefarious agents to conflate positive forum posts
> with the number of sales made. 

There was nothing sly about it. I think that everyone who thinks it is
normal for virtually every purchaser of a product to praise it on the
same thread in the same forum, then they might consider getting back up
on that turnip truck and heading back to the farm!

> If the company is conducting this type of activity it absolutely should
> be uncovered and exposed.

How does an outsider prove such a thing? 

> If it's not going on, then you've insinuated that 1 + 1 = 3. 


> You have no proof of that it is either coincidence or disinformation.

Never said I did! But there is that evidence...

> So I will quote from Webster's definition of innuendo:  
> "an oblique allusion :  hint, insinuation; especially :  a veiled or
> equivocal reflection on character or reputation."

I don't think there was anything oblique about what I said. It was
stated as clear as I could make it.  There was no attempt to do anything
but lay the existing evidence out. 

> Whilst there is, indeed, some information from the company regarding the
> number of sales made and, yes, the information regarding the number of
> forum posts on any given subject is there for all to see, your
> implication that these two facts are, somehow, linked is unadulterated
> and unproven speculation on your part and fits quite nicely with the
> definition of innuendo.

Call it what you  want to. This is all about free speech. 

> Attempting to back up your point by citing conversations with some vague
> unnamed "number of independent adults" is unbecoming to your professed
> scientific nature.

It is true that the best evidence is the amazing coincidence.  OTOH, I
wondered whether I was being paranoid or what. So I checked the
situation out and everybody who isn't a troll seems to think it is a
very odd coincidence. 

I'm no idiot. I know that I'm dealing with trolls with hurt egos who
will stoop to any kind of disinformation and feign moral outrage in some
perverted attempt to take from me what their own stupidity took from
them. As Forrest Gump said: "Stupid is as stupid does", and that
includes pretending to fall off of a vegetable wagon. Have a nice day!

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