Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Hi rgro,
> Interesting! If you have time I'd be interested in the following:
> 1. First step I'd do is put the faulty USB cable back in and confirm the
> original problem. Do this a couple of times.
> 2. Then get someone else to do the USB cable swapping. You do the
> listening only.
> 3. Next try the USB cable on a completely independent system. This will
> confirm if it a problem with the cable or your system.
> Only do this if you are bored, its probably a better use of your time to
> listen to your music. :D
> regards
> Greg

Some good suggestions.

Here's another simple suggestion for a test if you have; should not take
more than 30 minutes and really easy:
- Create some white noise say at -12dB right channel, and another -12dB
left channel; lets say 30 seconds each. Use Audacity for free... You
might have similar test tones on test CD's; just be clear that they're
same amplitude. Do not use real music to do this because it's common to
have recordings slightly shifted to one side or another. Put the test
tones on Vortexbox and make them available to play.

- Start with the good Supra cable which I presume is plugged in. Play
the test tones; not too loud of course. Obviously make sure no channel
balance settings anywhere being used on the Vortexbox/DAC/preamp/amp.
Using your SPL meter, measure each side and write down the dB SPLs from
each speaker. Presumably this will be very close since it's the "good"

- Switch to the "bad" USB cable. Same procedure, same volume settings on
DAC/preamp/amp... Measure the right vs. left test tone.

What kind of numbers are you seeing?

Like Arny showed in the picture, this is USB; S for Serial with -only a
single pair of data wires-. There is no actual physical way to
discriminate the right/left side stereo data. *Everything flows through
that +/- pair.*

If you can confirm the channel imbalance measurements with just the
change in USB cable, this would be interesting to investigate.

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