rgro wrote: 
> Yeah, I know what you're all thinking already, but.....
> More than a year ago I noted that there was a fairly obvious right
> speaker dominance---I even measured a 2 -3 db spl difference.  The short
> story is that after checking all of the interconnects, speaker cables,
> removing and replugging-in everything, cleaning contacts, etc. I figured
> it must be room issues, and physically repositioned the speakers to pull
> the center image back to the left.  This meant unevening the r/h speaker
> distance from my listening position both right/left and front/back.  Not
> an optimal solution, I felt, but it seemed to compensate enough.
> On an unrelated matter, I just had occasion to swap the USB cable (a
> standard A/B cable) running from my server to my dac.  I don't recall
> where the original USB cable came from...something inexpensive and off
> the shelf.  While I suspect the brand is probably not relevant, the new
> USB is a relatively modestly priced ($40) cable from a company called
> Supra.  After swapping the cable, I sat down to listen and make sure
> that the music was still going to play and immediately noticed that the
> center image was now pulled about 4 feet to the left!  Huh....that's
> strange, thought I, so I put the old cable back and image was back to
> centered.  Needless to say I reinstalled the Supra cable and went
> through the process of repositioning my speakers to be equidistant from
> my listening position, the image was perfectly centered, and then
> remeasured the SPL levels...now equal from each speaker.  
> Clearly the old USB cable was defective in some way....I have no idea
> what defect may have caused this particular problem but, as nothing else
> had changed in my system the obvious culprit was the USB cable.  And,
> no, I'm not going to make any gratuitous claims about how sound quality
> has vastly improved, but at least the mystery of why the right speaker
> was louder is solved.

Two words: Sighted Evaluation.

The entire bidirectional network audio  and other signals on a USB cable
are passing through the same 2 sets electrically identical sets of
conductors and contacts. A break or attenuation anyplace along it will
affect both  channels identically, including eliminating their existence
if the fault is bad enough.

Two other words: Zero possibility.

This is in fact good evidence for the lack of reliability of sighted

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