ralphpnj wrote: 
>  Believing that 2+2=5 doesn't change the fact that 2+2=4, it just makes
> one's belief completely wrong.

Unfortunately Most Audiophile culture believes that:

(1) Arithmetic doesn't matter so 2 + 2  = 5 may sound a little strange
but so what?

(2) Their personal Casual, Sighted Audiophile Evaluations are what
matters most

(3) Science doesn't apply to Audio

> Which is what puzzles me about all these claims constantly being made in
> the audiophile world about how digital data is stored and transmitted
> because if what they are claiming is indeed true then computers and
> internet would all fail to work properly. All web pages would not
> display correctly, emails would a garbled mess (which might improve some
> of them) and simple things like check sums would be impossible. But
> wherever there is money to be made using FUD (fear, uncertainty and
> doubt) there will be someone willing to lie to get their hands on that
> money.

Which gets back to that situation where the claims may say that 2 + 2 =
5, but so what - it is Audio, isn't it?

> Just as blood is thicker than water, money is the thickest of all.

Roger that!

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