adamdea wrote: 
> Archimago
> I just attempted to post a comment on your website under the latest
> musing- not sure it got through. I just wanted to say that I'm afraid
> you may have committed the sin of Kunchur in mixing up the intersample
> interval of 16/44 with the inter sample resolution. 
> when you said  
> "Note that a 10μs time period corresponds to a 100kHz sampling
> rate, and so 5μs is 200kHz sampling (in contrast, CD 44.1kHz is
> 22.7μs)..."
> well not really, it only corresponds with the inter sample interval, but
> so what?
> The time resolution of cd is about 60 picoseconds (1/(44,100 *2^16*
> 2Pi)). Kunchur is just wrong about this and his experiment shows nothing
> about the need for more than 16/44 even as a matter of theory. WE have
> to keep reminding ourselves that sonic events occur over time. I don't
> think you could make a sonic event start -and- stop within a 23
> microsecond period if you tried. So measuring the amplitude at the
> sample intervals is enough to tell you what happened imbetween.
> Of course I agree with what you say under 
> "Does this suggest then that we need at least 100-200kHz sampling rate
> digitally to ensure we capture everything?", but in truth the supposed
> problem just doesn't even get off the ground. I'm no expert of course,
> but this was comprehensively explained by JJ over on HA at the time.
> I should stress that I'm a huge fan of yours and very grateful for your
> efforts, but I just thought it might be worth tidying up what you say
> there.

Thanks Adam and Julf. I shall amend the posting to make sure we remove
the concern! Certainly would not want to propagate error. Good point
about the impossibility of sonic events as instantaneous phenomena.

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