ralphpnj wrote: 
> And it should be noted that Archimago's civil and respectful behavior
> hasn't prevented him from being banned from several different audio
> forums and web sites.
> I very strongly disagree and here's why: the so called gate keepers of
> high end audio, i.e. the writers and editors of several of the high end
> audio publications (print and online) plus many high end audio
> "designers", have no more credentials than anyone posting on this forum,
> myself included. These gate keepers often make completely unverified
> statements without even the slightest bit of hesitation because for many
> years these statements could be made without ever having to worry about
> their validity being challenged but the internet has changed all that.
> Now things are little more balanced, with the great unwashed, e.g.
> myself, being able to call BS on these gate keepers. Remember speaking
> truth to power is never easy.
> And rgro would you please be so kind as to reread and repost the
> statement that I made which you feel is so offensive.

Aww, geez, and here I thought we were done with this.

Your statement was:  "And by the way once Swenson drove head first into
the Stereophile world his credibility went out the window."

Why is it offensive?  1.)  You falsely accuse Swenson the engineer of
"droving" head first into Stereophile, by dint of his being a writer for
them.  He's not.  2.)  You link Swenson's (the engineer) lack of
credibility to his selling out to Stereophile.   Swenson's credibility,
or lack thereof, have got nothing to do with Stereophile, so you've made
two false accusations; one linked to the other.   That's wrong.  

Attempting to justify your own false statements by saying that "it's
o.k. to do that because somebody else did" is also wrong.

If you want to argue that Swenson's engineering concepts are faulty or
that the product he designed does not function as advertised, those are
fair points to argue from a technical perspective.  But, for the love of
god Ralph, drop the whole Stereophile/Swenson relationship thing.  It
doesn't exist.


System information
Main: Vortexbox/Squeezelite > USB> Benchmark DAC2 D > LFD LE IV
Signature amp > Revel Performa F208 speakers.  

Home Theatre:  Touch (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5 Classic
5.1, Touch FW 7.8.0-r16754.

LMS 7.9.0 - 0.71.20150313git1426153261 on a 1TB Micro Vortexbox
Appliance, V 2.3.
rgro's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=34348
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=104340

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