sckramer wrote: 
> Meridian had to know this wouldn't fly, especially with "Authenticated"
> in the name-- Wonder if something bigger is going on here, i.e. an Apple
> deal, and this will be the tech behind a new HD iTunes / Beats 1 & built
> into iPhone7/7s's DAC

Well, I really hope this isn't the future for Apple!

IMO, if Steve Jobs were still around I think he'll look at this and be
unimpressed with the scheme. Of course we're dealing with Tim Cook these
days so who knows what he's up to. Considering how reluctant Apple has
been to even allow their mobile hardware to function beyond 48kHz, I'd
be amazed if they suddenly embrace MQA with all this focus on
"unfolding" their "audio origami" into 192kHz and higher.

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