garym wrote: 
> is it even possible to find a 16 bit DAC anymore?????  

For example they can be found in some portable players. When power usage
is an issue, why waste it on useless hardware?

Furthermore, a lot of so-called 24 bit DACs perform like they are 16 (or
fewer) bit DACs front-ended with a sample length converter. This can be
done with either hardware or in the device driver software. Since the
alleged benefits of > 16 bit DACs are generally not audible, its not
like some audiophile is going to hear anything but an imaginary
difference, anyway.

> and even when playing 16/44.1 content, having 24 bit can be good because
> of the volume control that may be done in the digital domain and can use
> some of those extra 8 bits.

You don't need extra bits to make a good digital volume control.

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