sckramer wrote: 
> Hi Archimago,
> I ran across those strange TDA dacs, based on that old chip also --
> here's the one I saw:
> what do they sound like?

Hey Sckramer, cool man! A single chip version :-). I guess ya gotta save
on the power usage with batteries.

Well, I do have a 4-chip TDA1543 I measured awhile back (bought for $60
on eBay):

I'm not a fan of the NOS sound. I think some folks like them for
sounding "pleasant" with the dip in high frequency response. There's
also the issue of aliasing distortion. I'm tempted to check out the
filter characteristics of that DAC again since those measurements were
made many years back. These old chips are supposedly of poor linearity
hence the use in multiple parallel configuration to improve accuracy of
the conversion.

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