adamdea wrote: 
> You're just being silly, go back and think about it again. Quantisation
> will (unless undithered) always add noise.

I'm happy to see that you are finally seeing the light, and finally
admit that quantization noise/distortion is not added separately but is
inherent in digitization. Of course claiming I said otherwise suggests
that someone doesn't understand the point I was trying to get across.

> The issue is simply how much additional noise is perceptible

The audibility of a signal is highly dependent on the context (whatever
other signals are there at the same time, its amplitude, its spectral
content and whether or not it is random (IOW a true noise) or periodic
(IOW a true distortion) and thus deterministic. 

The following paragraph seems to consider only amplitude, and therefore
it is in error.

> No hand waving here. Adding -96dB of noise to -90dB will raise the noise
> floor to -91. Is that a change? Yes, is it perceptible? Who knows.
> Actually someone probably does. Not you.

Given the incomplete data given, it is impossible to estimate
audibility. Therefore I am proud to admit that I don't know whether it
is audible  because I'm being insulted and hectored with incomplete
data. Anybody who really understands quantization noise, dither, and
audibility will do the same. The problem is the over-simplistically
stated question, not to mention the use of incorrect terminology.

> My original post invited thought and information on the subject not
> knee- jerk ranting. 

Your original post and its sequels had just about everything wrong, as I
showed. They invited correction, which they obtained. These objections
suggest that correct information was not the goal.

So much for me trying to help people who can't be helped because they
know little, but seem to  think they know it all. Many of them hide
behind pseudonyms like dr-this and dr-that which protects their
ignorance. They thus avoid accountability, and can tell what ever lies
and make whatever insults  they wish. They can be as gratuitously
insulting as seems to be their preference, without any accountability.

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