drmatt wrote: 
> One point dawns on me. Unless you've written the gain tags into the
> files LMS won't apply any corrections. You have to have processed and
> written the gain tags into the source files first. Smart Gain just reads
> and applies those.
> But you did say you've used mp3gain. As above, check the tags. 

mp3gain and aacgain directly modify the audio data (they use APE tags
only to store information for their own undo functionality), and do not
use Replay Gain tags. This means that SmartGain etc. does nothing with
such files (unless Replay Gain ID3 tags have been added with some other
method (e.g. during encoding by lame) - in this case, they might
actually conflict (however, since ReplayGain isnt't part of the MP3
spec, this rarely happens, as most players ignore it. LMS, however, most
likely will use MP3 ID3 Replay Gain tags)).

Note that using these different approaches (metadata/direct audio data
modification/both) for different file types may also lead to unexpected

See also 'here' (http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=ReplayGain)

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