Well, I wonder what Archimago would think about the waterbubbles that
are controlled by the linear power. Archimago wrote a great review about
the Dac+ Pro, so I do wonder why the video reviewer thought the normal
sound of it was so horrible and that the linear power created a great
audiophile sound.

I have been using the Digi board in combination with optical and a
Schiit Bifrost DAC, I really like the sound. Always on the search for
something a bit better, I got the Digi+ Pro now (since yesterday) again
via optical, I have not done any extensive testing, but it sounds very
good. If it sounds better, honestly no idea yet. 
I could theoretically understand that a power supply for a DAC might
make a difference, but the reviewer stated that it also made a dramatic
difference with the Digi. That is something I really do not understand.
Maybe someone could clear that up.

I am more of an emotional listener, I know when it feels (sounds) right
and when something is somehow lacking or off. All very personal

I will continue listening.

LMS 7.9.0 - 1470391720 on Pi2 (Max2play)
Synology DS-414 NAS
Squeezebox Touch, Squeezebox Boom, Squeezebox Radio, HifiBerry
Schiit - BIFROST AKM 4490 Dac
Spotify Premium
Squeezemenicely's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41812
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