arnyk wrote: 
> Possible Translations: 
> (1) I know I'm wrong but no way in #$!! I'm going to admit it in public
> (2) Your answers were over my head
> (3) No matter what you say, what evidence you provide, I know I'm right.
> If you have some actual response to what I said, where is it?  It surely
> isn't the following meandering collection of 25 cent words and name
> dropping:
> I never said why. So why bring it up?
> Why add irrelevant controversies like religion to the discussion, if not
> for the purpose of obfuscation of befuddlement?
> Seems totally irrelevant to what used to be the fairly discussion at
> hand - namely audio.
> Yeah, its not your fault.
> One can assist others in their understanding by being responsive,
> relevant, and concise.  Three strikes...

I'm not the first person to find your approach confrontational. I just
think we'll generate more heat than light if we carry on.

I'm as entitled to my world view and opinions as you are to yours.

I have already stated more than once that I'm not infallible - perhaps
you might concede the same? Then we might be able to explore our
different positions to see if either of us are suffering from what Eric
Blair termed "double-think". It's the prevalent ability of human beings
to subscribe to two conflicting points of view without noticing the
contradiction. If we unable to agree to explore this very real
possibility (for both of us), then we're not engaging in an informed

I'm not interested in having an argument: I don't know you well enough
to be remotely motivated...

Dave :)

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