epoch1970 wrote: 
> Sorry if the post is off topic for this forum.
> I have put a player in a store a few weeks ago. People who work there
> keep changing the volume on the player although it uses track replaygain
> and plays at random from a specific library.
> Not only they change volume but they have one single complain about the
> system: it's either too soft or too loud. People's opinions vary in
> time: it's not always "too loud" for the same person.
> My personal take on this is that the ambient noise in the store varies
> "a lot" between moments there are little customers and rush hour, while
> the player keeps pushing audio at the same volume; if this is true, I
> think something like an ambient microphone would help adjust player
> volume automatically.

Good diagnosis.

> However I have no idea how I would make that really work, and before
> starting I'd like to verify if this is -the- reason for these people's
> swinging opinion about music volume.
> Hence my question: what makes people say music is too loud or too soft?
> I hope this is clear and not off-topic. If so I am eager to get your
> inputs.

This same problem exists in motor vehicles. Some of the more
sophisticated vehicle sound systems automatically adjust the volume
depending on noise levels in the passenger compartment. 

First cut, there may be existing commercial products that do this in the
more general case. Google is your friend.

Second cut, the feature is implemented by a variable gain circuit that
is controlled by the long-term averaged signal value on a special input
that may be hooked to a microphone in the space to be controlled. There
needs to be some feature that keeps the system from reacting to its own
adjustments to the music level.

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