Fizbin wrote: 
> Speaking of "cheap plastic blanking plate", my plate looks like it COULD
> have a protective label on it, sort of like the display did, before I
> peeled it off.  
> Anyway, maybe it's just the way the cheap finish on the plate looks, but
> if anyone can tell me if theirs has (or had) one on it then I'll try and
> peel mine off.

Hi Fizbin!

Although both my transporters *-do-* have the beloved knob, I prefer not
to have visible distractions when I'm listening to music (I have on
occasion stuck insulating tape over any led power lights, etc which I
can't turn off, so that I can listen in the dark without ANY intrusion
from my equipment at all, lol - this is probably just a tad OCD & I do
need a flashlight to hand to avoid treading on my 18 year old black cat
who still can't understand why I can't see in the dark like she can...

Anyway, the point is that I have my Transporter in a glass fronted
cabinet with the front panel set to totally blank out 30 seconds after
using the remote control to adjust or select something & then a couple
of cheap s/hand Touches to the side of my listening seat, but out of my
eye-line so that I have to turn my head to look at them. They're synced
to my Transporter (although not connected to anything) on a Wi-Fi link:
one is set to display the album art & the other the current track
information. With this arrangement, you can't actually see if the
Transporter has a Trans-Nav knob or not!

Dave  :cool:

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