As a long-term LMS user and Tidal subscriber, I have been streaming
Tidal for a while now using first the ickstream plugin and more recently
the official tidal plugin (v1.2). I have also been following the
development of the spotty plugin with interest and last week decided to
give it a first-hand whirl and compare the sound quality to tidal's
flac. I do not mean to start a new is it audible or not discussion. This
is not a mp3 vs flac test; this is more about the respective
performances of the plugins. 

With the tidal plugin each song starts life as a 256k CBR as displayed
in the "now playing" section. then it checks whether you have a tidal
hifi account and the credentials. when the checks are made, the stream
changes to VBR flac in a matter of seconds. the sound quality is not
bad, but i was always puzzled by on-the-fly transition from 256k CBR to
VBR. how does it happen instantaneously and seamlessly each time? i
sometimes wondered whether we listened to 256k mp3 transcoded to flac. 

with the excitement the spotty plugin created in the forums, i finally
opened spotify premium account, installed the plugin, entered the
credentials, checked the relevant options and started listening. i
consider myself an audiophile and have a fairly high resolution system
around the raidho d series speakers. 

i was able to transfer all my playlists from tidal to spotify with the
help of the excellent soundizz app.  one needs to enter her username and
passward in the soundizz wep page which might irk some but i went ahead
anyways. everything went smoothly and i transferred all my playlists to
spotify. in all instances but one whatever song i had on tidal was also
available in spotify. i think spotify is slightly better with its data
base of songs especially with obscure or local music but i did not
consider it a differentiator with my musical taste (modern jazz, rock
and some classical). 

over a listening period of 1 week,  i consistently preferred spotify
through the spotty plugin over tidal through the tidal plugin. once
again, this is not a mp3 vs flac or spotify vs tidal comparison. (in my
experience, flac is the clear and audible winner. even when they are
similar, flac has the psychological  advantage for me). spotty sounded
fuller with deeper bass and with better placement of instruments. i kept
returning to spotty and now consider it an indispensable plugin.

there is continuous development, frequent updates and an active
community of participants. i urge everyone with tidal account to to test
spotty and see if the findings are similar.

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