scala wrote: 
> I'm currently feeding my Touch to my old faithful Linn Classik amplifier
> via TOSLINK.
> I've really no reasons for changing, except for the curiosity of
> building and trying a combo RPi+Touchscreen that should be in a way a
> direct replacement for the Touch, perfectly fitting my needs. 
> The standard RPi screen case does not have room for a HAT, and I really
> do not need an additional DAC, being perfectly satisfied with the one
> built in the Linn. My idea would then be to feed an all-digital signal
> to the Linn, but the Linn is too old and does not have an USB input, and
> the RPi does not have a digital out...
> Looking around the internet I found this:
> Does anybody know if this works on a RPi? Or has anybody another
> suggestion for an USB to TOSLINK interface/converter?
> (I wont argue here about the relative merits of different DACs or of
> Thanks for your suggestions!
> (PS: not sure if the best place for this thread is here or in the 3rd
> party hardware section)

just posted this on another thread

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