Jeff07971 wrote: 
> "It’s interesting how some of these other engineers (and their minions)
> denounce what audiophiles are hearing as placebo and hallucinations. 
> They also demand double-blind and null tests for everything. Do they
> really think intelligent people who are able to afford this gear – would
> drop lots of cash for something they don’t really hear?
> Time to get off that high horse, homie"

I found the quote above interesting. 

There are some people that can do exceptional things that most people
cannot because of physical gift and training.  We see it every four
years at the Olympics.  I do believe some people can actually hear the
difference between a quality analog cable and very expensive versions. 
However, at some point in quality improvement most of the population
cannot hear a difference because we do not have the physical gift.

Digital transmission technology is designed to eliminate distortion, or
reduce it to very low levels, so the ability for most people to hear the
difference of an item digital equipment (that meets the proper
specification) is either impossible due to physics or exceptionally
rare.  Therefore, if someone is exceptional and can hear the difference,
they should be able to prove it.

The sentence about people would not buy the gear if they could not hear
a difference, while logical, may not be true.  As someone said, there is
a sucker born every minute, and there are companies and salespersons out
to take advantage of it.  The person that just spent the price of a car
on a sound system is told, don’t rely on the power cord that came with
that expensive amp, you need $1000 cord.  It is called the upsell with a
huge profit margin.  The item is a small percentage of the total system
and the sales person says they can hear the difference, so the buyer not
wanting to admit they cannot hear it decides to buy it.  There is also
the brain factor where we see things that are not really true, perhaps
this also applies to hearing.  (Look up a TV show called Brain Games, it
is interesting.)


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