Am 06.07.2021 um 23:52 schrieb tw99:

adamdea wrote:
Thanks Schoepp
I have recently purchased a mini- dsp SHD snd will have a go at
installing squeezelite
I was proposing to follow these instructions-
Are they correct or is these a better way?

Those instructions work, first you will need to get the ssh credentials
from MiniDSP support.

I am not sure if all necessary steps are included in the description but in general the most important things are included.

In my case the newest version of squeezelite is working in the MiniDSP, so no older version has to be downloaded.

I also had to edit the start script but because this only is described via picture in the description I can not say if all needed changes are included.

Also I had to make sure that squeezelite is started by systemd when the device is powered on.

Write to MiniDSP to get the ssh credentials and try to get squeezelite running following the description you posted and if there are problems just let us know. I am sure we can help then.


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