On Wednesday 10 November 2010 11:54:26 Sergej Pupykin wrote:
> * alltray
> * at
> * centerim
> * dia
> * distcc
> * dmenu
> * elinks
> * iptraf
> * mailman
> * mcrypt
> * motion
> * patchutils
> * perl-*
> * slmodem
> * slmodem-utils
> * squashfs-tools
> * twinkle
> * unarj
> * w3m
> * wmii
> * wput
> * xboard
> * xdialog
> * xpdf
> * xpdf-*
> If noone wants to maintain them, I can do it in community.
List updated, but if some DEV is interested he can keep them in [extra].

Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer

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