On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 1:28 AM, Aaron Bull Schaefer
<aa...@elasticdog.com> wrote:
> Fellow Trusted Users,
> After almost 4 years of being a TU, I've had less and less time to
> dedicate toward maintaining my packages, and so I think it's finally
> time for me to step down. Arch users definitely deserve a better
> response time than what I've been able to provide lately, and
> unfortunately, my priorities have shifted elsewhere.
> Most of my packages should be pretty straight forward to maintain, but
> feel free to poke me if you have any questions on them. I do have two
> open bugs (one for woof and one for pv) that I've updated with what
> info I know.
> Thanks for everything you've taught me over the years...it's been an
> honor working with you all to maintain this fantastic distro, and rest
> assured that I'll always be involved in the community in one form or
> another. Keep up the great work!
> --
> Aaron "ElasticDog" Schaefer

Thanks for your contributions. Sad to see yo leaving, good luck.


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