On 01/15/2011 11:56 AM, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
On 01/15/2011 02:06 AM, Stefan Husmann wrote:
Am 08.01.2011 01:28, schrieb Aaron Bull Schaefer:
Fellow Trusted Users,

After almost 4 years of being a TU, I've had less and less time to
dedicate toward maintaining my packages, and so I think it's finally
time for me to step down. Arch users definitely deserve a better
response time than what I've been able to provide lately, and
unfortunately, my priorities have shifted elsewhere.

Most of my packages should be pretty straight forward to maintain, but
feel free to poke me if you have any questions on them. I do have two
open bugs (one for woof and one for pv) that I've updated with what
info I know.

Thanks for everything you've taught me over the years...it's been an
honor working with you all to maintain this fantastic distro, and rest
assured that I'll always be involved in the community in one form or
another. Keep up the great work!

Aaron "ElasticDog" Schaefer


shouldn't Aaron be removed from


and put to the fellow-page? Who can do that?

Regards Stefan

i can do that but i'm not sure if we have a fellow-page for TUs. i'll
ask Dan when i have a chance.

scratch that. i see that the fellow-page is combined with Devs and Tus


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