Hi guys.

I am Kyle Keen (keenerd) and am applying to be a TU, sponsored by
Xyne.  You might remember me from a past application three months ago
(1).  Very little has changed since then, though I do have a few more
packages (2).  I also started up the first AUR mirror (3), which has
allowed me to prototype silly things far far away from any place I
could do damage.

Some smaller new developments have included jshon (4) (a parser I
wrote just because greping the AUR's rpc.php results is painful) and
wiki-search (5), a bit of bash to make arch-wiki-docs useful as a
stand alone resource.  One long term goal would be to get the
wiki-search script included with the wiki-docs package.

A very long term goal would be to polish up some of the features from
AUR3 and get them into the real AUR.

Short term, Thomas Hatch has expressed a desire to have two of my
packages (pacgraph and zeromq) in community.  I've been plugging away
at getting the remaining bugs (python3, pacman 3.5, manpage) out of
Pacgraph to make this a possibility.  ScrotWM should probably also be
moved, as it is becoming a more popular window manager.

I am also eyeing the request for an ABS maintainer, assuming I can
figure out the existing issues.

Looking forward to contributing more to Arch!


(1) http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2010-December/012126.html
(2) http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?K=keenerd&SeB=m&SB=v&SO=d&PP=75
(3) http://aur3.org
(4) http://kmkeen.com/jshon/
(5) https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=114291

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