On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Xyne <x...@archlinux.ca> wrote:

> keenerd wrote:
> > Hi guys.
> >
> > I am Kyle Keen (keenerd) and am applying to be a TU, sponsored by
> > Xyne.
> I have indeed agreed to sponsor Comrade Keen in his bid to infiltrate the
> capitalist TU swine. He shall aid us in our mission to put the communism
> back
> in "community". The package-hoarding pigs must be stopped.
> May the glorious red star shine upon you, comrade!
> *hangs large propaganda-laden campaign poster in TU lounge*
> Comrades Hatch and Chen, initiate plan #5k-ljf6 now!
> U3RlYWwgYWxsIG9mIHRoZSB0YWNvcyBhbmQgcG91dGluZSwgYW5kIGRpc3RyaWJ1dGUgdGhlbSBp
> biBleGNoYW5nZSBmb3Igdm90ZXMu
> Comrade Xyne

Comrade Kyle is an invaluable asset to the red cause and needed for the
future of the Mother Distro!

*Salutes Comrade Xyne*

Comrade Hatch

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