Am 01.09.2011 13:01, schrieb Lukas Fleischer:
>>>>       -> http     -> no login anyway
>>>>   -> https    -> separate login page
>>>>  -> https    -> separate login page
>>>>  -> https    -> login on main page
>>>>   -> http     -> login on main page
>>>> As you can see, AUR is the fish out of water here, login is on the
>>>> arrival page, but you can't log in by default. I'm sorry to make the
>>>> suggestion this late, but I'd vote for https as default for AUR.
>>> HTTPs is the default - unless you request the HTTP version explicitly. I
>>> know that some of the navigation bar links aren't updated yet. I sent a
>>> patch for Flyspray to Pierre, and also asked him to update the header
>>> include used in our cgit setup. It should be only a matter of time until
>>> all links are up-to-date.
>> When I type in firefox I get the http version, that's
>> what I mean by default. Thanks for your efforts to secure AUR.
> Yeah, you request the HTTP version (your browser does this automatically
> if you skip the protocol part), so this is kind of expected behaviour.
> We could introduce an HTTPs redirect for the AUR home page. Not sure if
> that is the right thing to do, though.

I'd like to remind everyone again that Arch Linux is now included in the
https-everywhere default rules, see [1]. This will always redirect you
to https on every Arch Linux site (even releng, www, planet, where it
isn't actually needed).


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