Le 2012-03-01 13:00, Balló György a écrit :
Hello everybody,

I'm applying to be a Trusted User.

I'm a 24 years old Hungarian web developer, and I'm using Arch Linux as my main 
system since 2010 summer. Before that I used a Debian-based distro for one 
year. In my free time I like surfing on the net, contributing to OpenStreetMap, 
bicycling, hiking, take photos about trams, and of course, packaging.

I really like Arch Linux's transparency, the pacman and the build system, the 
website and the great wiki. I'm maintaining packages[1] a long time ago, and I 
already contributed to wiki by creating a page about libcanberra[2], and 
updated, extended some other articles.

I reported many issues[3] with GNOME packages (including upstream and packaging 
bugs) to make Arch Linux better. I usually try to find the solution and send 
patch to upstream if needed before open bug reports. I helped to Ioni e.g. on 
updating some C# packages, and I also cooperated with AndyRTR on splitting out 
extensions from libreoffice

I currently have 150 packages in AUR with a total of 5775 votes. I already 
maintain more than 200 packages as source packages on github[4] and as built 
i686 packages in my [ayatana] repo[5]. I don't want to move all of these 
packages to [community], only the popular ones. I always try to make the best 
packages and I hate poorly written PKGBUILDs.

Some packages that I would like to add to [community]:
- deja-dup (115 votes)
- gwibber (299 votes)
- pinta (186 votes)

Some orphan packages in [community] that I could adopt:
- agave
- buoh

My goal with becoming a TU is to provide more popular GTK+ applications in 
[community] and keep GNOME stable and consistent by fixing packages on large 
updates if needed. I hope that I could support Arch Linux as a TU in the next 
months and years.

Alexander Rødseth is my sponsor.

Best regards,
György Balló

My PGP key: 

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=City-busz
[2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Libcanberra
[4] https://github.com/City-busz/Arch-Linux-Repository
[5] http://ayatana.info/

Hi György,

Thank you for applying. I think you will be a great contributor.

I looked at your AUR packages and saw that you are maintaining the unity desktop. I never used this desktop environment, but as a curiosity is it something you want to eventually bring into [community] ?

I am looking forward to having you join the TUs team.


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