
I'm also in favor of György.

He is the best candidate I have seen lately and his presentation is clean.
I would like someone like him around to help the community.

Also, if I pay attention to the other posts, my opinion is... the AUR is a
HELPER tool.
It's only used as a time saver, but it doesn't dictates how the AUR works
in any way.
Meaning when there's a change to the AUR system, so must the tools adapt to
that change.

I think it's their job to support split packages, as long as we can provide
some sort of "coding/design standard" to help them a bit with their task.
It's a known feature, it's also an interesting feature.
The more split packages we have, it's gonna pressure the Yaourt team to do
something about it.

So yeah.

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 9:34 PM, Stéphane Gaudreault

> Le 2012-03-01 13:00, Balló György a écrit :
>  Hello everybody,
>> I'm applying to be a Trusted User.
>> I'm a 24 years old Hungarian web developer, and I'm using Arch Linux as
>> my main system since 2010 summer. Before that I used a Debian-based distro
>> for one year. In my free time I like surfing on the net, contributing to
>> OpenStreetMap, bicycling, hiking, take photos about trams, and of course,
>> packaging.
>> I really like Arch Linux's transparency, the pacman and the build system,
>> the website and the great wiki. I'm maintaining packages[1] a long time
>> ago, and I already contributed to wiki by creating a page about
>> libcanberra[2], and updated, extended some other articles.
>> I reported many issues[3] with GNOME packages (including upstream and
>> packaging bugs) to make Arch Linux better. I usually try to find the
>> solution and send patch to upstream if needed before open bug reports. I
>> helped to Ioni e.g. on updating some C# packages, and I also cooperated
>> with AndyRTR on splitting out extensions from libreoffice
>> package.
>> I currently have 150 packages in AUR with a total of 5775 votes. I
>> already maintain more than 200 packages as source packages on github[4] and
>> as built i686 packages in my [ayatana] repo[5]. I don't want to move all of
>> these packages to [community], only the popular ones. I always try to make
>> the best packages and I hate poorly written PKGBUILDs.
>> Some packages that I would like to add to [community]:
>> - deja-dup (115 votes)
>> - gwibber (299 votes)
>> - pinta (186 votes)
>> Some orphan packages in [community] that I could adopt:
>> - agave
>> - buoh
>> My goal with becoming a TU is to provide more popular GTK+ applications
>> in [community] and keep GNOME stable and consistent by fixing packages on
>> large updates if needed. I hope that I could support Arch Linux as a TU in
>> the next months and years.
>> Alexander Rødseth is my sponsor.
>> Best regards,
>> György Balló
>> My PGP key: https://raw.github.com/City-**busz/Arch-Linux-Repository/**
>> master/ballog...@gmail.com-**public.asc<https://raw.github.com/City-busz/Arch-Linux-Repository/master/ballog...@gmail.com-public.asc>
>> [1] 
>> https://aur.archlinux.org/**packages.php?SeB=m&K=City-busz<https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=City-busz>
>> [2] 
>> https://wiki.archlinux.org/**index.php/Libcanberra<https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Libcanberra>
>> [3] https://bugs.archlinux.org/**index.php?project=1&status[]=&**
>> opened=City-busz&do=index<https://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=1&status[]=&opened=City-busz&do=index>
>> [4] 
>> https://github.com/City-busz/**Arch-Linux-Repository<https://github.com/City-busz/Arch-Linux-Repository>
>> [5] http://ayatana.info/
> Hi György,
> Thank you for applying. I think you will be a great contributor.
> I looked at your AUR packages and saw that you are maintaining the unity
> desktop. I never used this desktop environment, but as a curiosity is it
> something you want to eventually bring into [community] ?
> I am looking forward to having you join the TUs team.
> Stéphane

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