On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 12:17:13AM -0400, Yichao Yu wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 11:49 PM, Daniel Wallace
> <danielwall...@gtmanfred.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 11:25:58PM -0400, Yichao Yu wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> A TU "gtmanfred" have just decided to remove one of my package just
> >> one minute after he commented on the package pointed out the missing
> >> package() in the PKGBUILD without any further explaination.
> >>
> >> The package is python-django-git[0], which I have uploaded 2-3 days
> >> ago[1] to replacing two old packages including one with 3 vote that I
> >> uploaded last Nov.
> >>
> >> I have already re-upload the package[0] since I don't think anything
> >> is wrong with the package (especially not for the package name, I can
> >> fix it if anything else with the package is wrong). And I just want to
> >> know if that was a delete by mistake or a missing package() somehow is
> >> enough reason to remove a package within ~1min after notifying the
> >> maintainer now?
> >>
> >> Yichao Yu
> >>
> >> [0] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-django-git/
> >> [1] 
> >> https://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2013-March/022494.html
> >
> > Please follow packageing guidelines, anything that touches $pkgdir
> > should be inside the package() function.
> >
> > repackaging without a package() function has been deprecated
> > https://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2010-April/010620.html
> >
> > and PKGBUILDs without a package() function have been depricated
> > https://patchwork.archlinux.org/patch/515/
> > https://www.archlinux.org/todo/clean-up-pkgdir-usage/
> I agree, and I have already fixed it.
> BUT, that is NOT what I am asking!! What I am REALLY asking here is
> why did you simply remove the package!!
> You can leave a comment (which you did 1min before you go right to the
> incorrect last step), flag it out-of-date, send me a email, or even
> disown it and correct it yourself according to the AUR two-week policy
> if I refuse to update. Is it what you think a TU should do to remove
> (without waiting for the shortest reasonable response time or even
> attempting to improve) all non-standard/old PKGBUILD on AUR.
> It is fine if you have just removed it by accident (although I will
> probably suggest to move the remove button and the flag-out-of-date
> button farther away for TU if that's the case), but if you were doing
> that on purpose, what you did is totally non-constructive. This is
> definitely NOT what a TU should do. Let me remind you what a TU should
> do is "check PKGBUILDs for minor mistakes, suggest corrections and
> improvements"[1], I am not sure which of the three does "removing
> package right away" belong to.
> [1] 
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_Trusted_User_Guidelines#The_TU_and_.5Bunsupported.5D
> >
> > --
> > Daniel Wallace
> > Archlinux Trusted User (gtmanfred)
> > Georgia Institute of Technology

Also note that you didn't fix it until I replied to your inquiry about
why it was deleted.  And instead of taking my advice to fix it, you
decided it was correct and just uploaded it again.

Daniel Wallace
Archlinux Trusted User (gtmanfred)
Georgia Institute of Technology

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