On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 02:41:42AM +0800, Rashif Ray Rahman wrote:
> On 28 November 2013 02:27, Lieven Moors <lievenmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > With devel functionality, do you mean header files? Wouldn't they
> > be needed to build non-daw-git anyway?
> I meant experimental functionality (i.e. development branch).
> > The problem is that ntk-git has been in a state of constant flux,
> > and non-daw-git would often refuse to build, unless you rebuild
> > ntk-git first...
> Then you should just depend on ntk (but doesn't make a difference if a
> git development source is all there is).

Yes, I think I'll keep depending on ntk. There might be a stable ntk
in the near future, and then I'll see how non-daw-git behaves with that.

Thanks for your help,


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