> How can VCS packages be out of date at all?

Client machines will only update a VCS package if:

1. The package maintainer updates a VCS package and gives it a newer
version number than what is installed on a user's machine, and a user
updates their packages.
2. The user explicitly requests that all VCS packages be updated.
3. The user explicitly re-installs a VCS package.

The second only occurs if the user is using a package management tool that
supports explicit upgrades of VCS packages, such as yaourt: [1]

    yaourt -Su --devel

Pacman does not support such a VCS-specific upgrade option. Neither do many
other package managers, such as pacaur (which I use).

The third only occurs if users are following the development of upstream
packages and manually decide to try out something new. [2]

This is all to the best of my knowledge. I am unable to find relevant
information that supports or denies my understanding either in the man
pages for pacman [3] or pkgbuild [4]. Instead, I've simply drawn from my
experiences maintaining packages and reading discussions here.

[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Yaourt#Examples
[3] https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/pacman.8.html
[4] https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/PKGBUILD.5.html

— Jeremy "Ichimonji10" Audet

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