On 03/08, Jeremy Audet wrote:
The official way of using the PKGBUILDs is manually with makepkg.

I suspect that the usual use case for interacting with the AUR is with an
AUR helper. I think this qualifies it as subject matter that a capable
package maintainer should have some familiarity with, even though this use
case may be disagreeable to you personally.

If the PKGBUILD is sane and works, it works.

the only times an AUR VCS package is out-of-date is when it's broken in some way

Assuming that AUR helpers are a common tool for interacting with the AUR, VCS packages in the AUR are out-of-date when their version number is... out-of-date.

Which is never, because the AUR doesn't contain built packages, only PKGBUILDs which are used to build packages.

Finally, the situations that trigger a VCS package update should be
identical whether a package is in the AUR or one of the more official repos.

That's never going to happen unless Arch moves to become a from-source-distro instead of a binary one.

PKGBUILDs are recipies that are used to build packages. Until the package is actually build it doesn't have a pkgversion. Repo packages are built packages which are build from PKGBUILDs, and pacman will never build packages. That's makepkg's job, not the package manager's.

 Johannes Löthberg
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