still we have tons of packages that do not follow category. Searching
by category is ineffective.
I think the best way to know about package is to let users write "aur
packages reviews" for the packages they love.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 6:43 PM, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <> wrote:
> On 2014-09-05 02:59, carstene1ns wrote:
>> Am 05.09.2014 um 00:51 schrieb Hugo Osvaldo Barrera:
>> > [...]if they can be parsed by pacman somehow, they would add some use. 
>> > Otherwise, I'm ok
>> > with deleting them.
>> pacman has no AUR support, this was a decision. So the only way to allow
>> it to see such data would be to add it to the PKGBUILD or other metadata
>> (which does not make sense, as the official repositories have no
>> categories either).
> Adding it to the PKGBUILD was what I originally mentioned.
>> Anyways, there are quite a few AUR helpers available, so you could use
>> them with a bit of shell scripting or use the RPC interface directly.
>> To display categories for your installed AUR packages:
>> $ cower --info --format="%c/%n" $(pacman -Qqem) | sort
> Non-AUR packages don't have this metadata, so that seach would not include a
> lot of installed packages. (which I why I proposed the above).
>> You may add a '| grep games' to filter for specific category or tell
>> cower to sort by install date or something instead of using 'sort' of
>> course.
>> best regards,
>> carstene1ns
> --
> Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
> A: Because we read from top to bottom, left to right.
> Q: Why should I start my reply below the quoted text?

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