On Thu, 13 Aug 2015 14:01 Sam S. <sml...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Note that we do keep the Git repositories of deleted packages,
> > so if anybody wants to maintain the package later, he can always clone
> > the repository of the deleted package, fix the package and simply push
> > it afterwards
> Can you give some details on that?
> For example the libtiff4 package (which one of my packages depends on)
> was deleted, but when I do
>     git clone ssh://a...@aur.archlinux.org/libtiff4.git
> all I get is an empty repository.
I cloned one I had deleted and it was still there, I made a comment change,
committed and repushed, it lost the comments and votes but the package was
there. I'm not sure why yours might have failed.

- Justin

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