On 07/26/2017 09:08 PM, J3thro via aur-general wrote:
> Hi Eli, David,
> Thank you very much for the critiques.
> 1) I fixed the arch field, 2) moved the cython into the build function, and
> 3) fixed the startdir. One thing I do noticed is that the namcap is very
> vague about the errors, I have to manually figure out where and what is
> wrong there. Is there some other tools? (looks like pkglint doesn't have a
> aur pkg yet?)

Automated linting tools are difficult by design. :) The general idea is
to raise warning flags that tell you to investigate yourself.
That being said, we do try, so if there is somewhere you think namcap
could do a better job warning you, feel free to discuss this on the
[arch-projects] mailing list (which is where namcap development takes

pkglint is a *partial* attempt to reimplement namcap in bash as a
libmakepkg extension

Eli Schwartz

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