On 10/14/18 7:14 PM, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:
> On 10/14/18 5:35 PM, Daniel Bermond via aur-general wrote:
>> I usually don't use pgp on my aur packages because people tend to
>> complain a lot about building issues. They fail to handle the keys and
>> start complaining to the packager, and this is a big stress. When
>> dealing with repository packages this is another story, of course. Since
>> this was raised as a main issue, I'll be adding the pgp checks back again.
> It's very simple to handle people who refuse to learn how the AUR works:
> refuse to acknowledge anything they say, and simply respond with "learn
> how to makepkg".
> Removing pgp checks in the general case is not okay, even if "it's just
> an AUR package, so no one cares about security because it's all garbage,
> right?"

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll use pgp whenever possible on aur
packages then.

>> I know that we should not use msg2 because it's makepkg internal. But it
>> helps to diagnose user problems by helping to identify at which stage a
>> build error is happening. For sure I can remove it if required to. ;)
> I've yet to come across a single justified case of using msg2, anyone
> who knows how to read an error message in the first place doesn't need
> this help.
> There's no rule against it per se, but I regard it as... messy.
> Especially in the example Doug indicated, it seems to be wildly
> overcomplicating the build and package functions.

Ok, I'll be removing msg2 from all my packages, or use printf/echo
instead like mentioned by Doug in his message.

Best regards,
Daniel Bermond

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