On 2019-02-27 02:09, alad via aur-general wrote:
Considering some recent issues regarding team behavior [1] in Arch, I'm
going to have to ask on some of your previous interactions with the
community, and open-source in general. I had two examples in particular,
the MineTest community [2], and interaction with other Arch users on
ArchWiki [3].

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18156980

By definition, a TU has to interact with users of community packages
(bug reports, emails, coordination with the rest of the Arch team, ...),
and users of the AUR in general (AUR requests, peace-keeping,
interactions with previous maintainers when promoting packages, ...).
This means that if aggressive behavior such as the above is part of some
general theme, there is a clear problematic.

Note that this is _not_ meant as a witch-hunt of any sort - nor do I
have any kind of personal involvement here. I do however value healthy
communication in the Arch community, and believe any TU candidate should
value it as well.

I would also chip in with the following from early 2017:


(I am also not in any sort of witch hunt, just thought this would be relevant.)

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