On Wed, May 06, 2020 at 11:19:04PM +0200, Frederik Schwan via aur-general wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> my name is Frederik aka freswa and I'm applying to become a Trusted User with 
> svenstaro's and grazzolini's sponsorship.

Hi Freswa!
> I started using Linux around 2004 with some live images of Ubuntu. In 2010, 
> Debian became my main OS. Only a year later I switched to Arch after I 
> screwed up Debian/sid while hunting for the latest kernel.
> I'm interested in DevOps topics, mail server, C, Rust, Go and newer JVM 
> languages such as Kotlin.
> Thanks to svenstaro I've been a bug wrangler since February. You mostly hear 
> from me when I assign bugs to the wrong people from time to time :P
> OS contributions:
> - working on the dovecot-xaps code, providing native Mail.app Apple Push for 
> iOS devices
> - maintaining and writing PKGBUILDs for the AUR
> - bug reporting and fixing for several projects
> My AUR packages got reviewed recently by eschwartz, svenstaro and alad - 
> thanks :)
> If I become a TU, I'd like to focus on the bug tracker until we have a better 
> solution. I'd also like to help out bug fixing when maintainers are busy, 
> away or on vacation.
> Packages which I would like to move to [Community], some of which are not 
> mine:

I'll do a review of your PKGBUILDS for these, but I'm curious to know if
you also had any orphans on community that you were
considering/interested on adopting[1]. To add to this, any other
packages on community that you'd be interested in co-maintaining? :)


[1] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?repo=Community&maintainer=orphan

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