On 5/6/20 5:19 PM, Frederik Schwan via aur-general wrote:
> Hi everyone, my name is Frederik aka freswa and I'm applying to
> become a Trusted User with svenstaro's and grazzolini's sponsorship.
> I started using Linux around 2004 with some live images of Ubuntu. In
> 2010, Debian became my main OS. Only a year later I switched to Arch
> after I screwed up Debian/sid while hunting for the latest kernel.
> I'm interested in DevOps topics, mail server, C, Rust, Go and newer
> JVM languages such as Kotlin.
> Thanks to svenstaro I've been a bug wrangler since February. You
> mostly hear from me when I assign bugs to the wrong people from time
> to time :P
> OS contributions:
> - working on the dovecot-xaps code, providing native Mail.app
>   Apple Push for iOS devices
> - maintaining and writing PKGBUILDs for the AUR
> - bug reporting and fixing for several projects
> My AUR packages got reviewed recently by eschwartz, svenstaro and
> alad - thanks :)

Just for the record -- I did not review your AUR packages, you may have
intended to ask me to do so but this never happened. Perhaps you drafted
this email and forgot to remove my name before sending it?

You did provide a very useful kernel backports patch for my zfs-dkms
package, which was much appreciated.

> If I become a TU, I'd like to focus on the bug tracker until we have
> a better solution. I'd also like to help out bug fixing when
> maintainers are busy, away or on vacation.

I don't know what this means... once there is a "better solution for our
bugtracker" you intend to not focus on it? :p

Becoming a TU might give more opportunities to commit fixes to packages,
but it's unrelated to triage and analysis, at least, which I'd say are
the things which need the most love.

So there's plenty to do there either way. :D
(Speaking from personal experience, being a TU has made me less
productive on the bugtracker.)

> I'm aware though that some of these packages do not meet the criteria
> of 10 votes yet. I'll reevaluate whether they meet this criteria from
> time to time.
> I'd also like to go on helping Eli with maintenance of
> zfs-dkms and zfs-utils in the AUR.

Patches and suggestions are definitely welcome. :D

Though I doubt zfs is suitable in any way for inclusion in community,
despite indeed having enough votes.

> In case JetBrains is okay with us packaging their IDE's, I'd also
> maintain them. But so far all requests I found resulted in a negative
> response from JB.

I'm given to understand packaging our current packages for
pycharm/intellij community edition gives their current maintainers
enough agonizing headaches. It seems like the kind of thing one would
want to avoid getting involved in. :D

I don't think we should be packaging their custom JRE, anyway, as that
should remain an AUR kind of thing (and we don't optdepends on AUR
packages either). This probably makes it more complicated to support
their stuff, especially for things which aren't open source?

tl;dr do you believe this is practical to focus on? Do you think they
are likely to provide a way for us to package it which fits our
packaging guidelines?

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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