On Mon, 19 Oct 2020 16:48:04 +0200
Morten Linderud <foxbo...@archlinux.org> wrote:

> Why did you decide to sponsor Tim? I see some explanations from
> shibumi and Thore, but it would be nice with a few more sentences
> then just a confirmation.


Like Christian and Thore I've known Tim for years. Although only via
IRC on freenode#archlinux.de, his general friendliness, support to
users, willingness to learn and continuing displays of contribution to
various FOSS communities earned my trust and respect.

The puppet package collection is in dire need of a maintainer that
actually uses it. Tim being a certified Puppet Fundamentals
Administrator that manages Arch at work with it makes him
perfect for the job in my eyes. Besides that I see future benefits for
the DevOps team since he is a capable Arch SysAdmin.


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