" nope, we haven't :-)

Without the initial comment on facebook we would have never had a
discussion like this or re-opened a discussion so easily. The list
server allows sharing of ideas - easily."


        Oo, look, there's Mark (and me and others) on aus-soaring in 2002. I
wonder what ideas we were sharing...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." 
To:"Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." 
Sent:Tue, 31 Jan 2017 18:35:40 +1100
Subject:Re: [Aus-soaring] gliding the sport

 nope, we haven't :-)
"The Facebook website was launched on February 4, 2004" [2] (and the
internet never lies)

GFA only created a mailing list in May 2015.
By the way, when was this aus-soaring list started? And was it Simon
who did it?
Can't recall when I joined the list - 'tis been almost 10 years ago.
I started gliding 30 years ago.

Let me re-phrase then:
Without the initial comment on facebook we would have never had a
discussion like this or re-opened a discussion so easily. The list
server allows sharing of ideas - easily.It's not just a brainstorm
session - it's a brainmonsoon. It is seasonal and facets will reappear
from time to time. 
 I don't know if I would have ever heard all the ideas that have been
thrown around without subscribing to this list. I bet that one outcome
is that some people are contacted off-list because of their ideas /
 The cycle of ongoing improvement. If we do not question, we will
never have to change. If we do not change / adapt - we will go
extinct. (note: meteor strikes are not covered in this policy until
interplanetary travel is possible) 
  There is something like on-line etiquette [3].  Even some people in
high political positions don't know or choose to ignore the rulz
of on-line etiquette.  (some bullies don't like being bullied?)
Again: I missed the facebook comment. Maybe there was some truth in
that comment. Just the packaging was most likely non-recyclable - in
other words: maybe politically incorrect. Typing an e-mail is
different to a face-to-face conversation. I am not sure if "that
comment" would have been made face-to-face. Maybe it was not meant to
offend the way it did. Electronic media is a strange thing. Facebook
is more public in comparison to this list. Maybe a moderator could
have just been contacted. This list had a bit of a shake-up not long
ago and the tone has definitely changed. 
  OK, here is a direct attack: In my view, the good people in the GFA
are doing a fine job. Every member of the GFA is included in that
attack - so feel offended! (bummer, even in electronic media not
everyone can read between the lines)  
 And here is a challenge: Anyone making a comment here should be
prepared to put the required effort and action behind their
 We are not in a position where we can just delegate by stating a
sentence. That goes right down to the "lowest level". "you should be
doing this" - heard that one before? I charge $11 / hour (that's
inclusive of GST) to listen to good advise - a real bargain. Some
people are even too stingy to pay this little fee. 
 Here is one from way back: "ask not what a club can do for you; ask
what..." you know the rest.. Constructive suggestion: When was the
last time you thanked your club for supporting your special interest
for running a comp, weekend operation etc. When was the last time you
were a duty pilot or pushed a club glider?  _Disclaimer: If you are a
tow pilot and actually do full days of towing: you fall under the rare
species category and are naturally exempt from having to do anything
else! We do look after minority groups!_ You can plan ahead to be a
duty pilot (I know that's the unthinkable! But some survived this time
in their life and come back for more.) You can plan to bring a
non-aviation infected person along and let them get a feel for what we
are doing. A flight line can be as interesting and exiting as a
carrier operation. You have the chance to do some explaining (and
bragging) whilst being a duty pilot. That is more important than just
prancing.. Maybe you get them hooked. You'd be their mentor if they
are thinking of starting. Gliding is not for everyone. But it is for
some. Erich 


On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 5:09 PM, Mark Newton  wrote:
 On Jan 31, 2017, at 4:28 PM, Erich Wittstock  wrote:
 > Without the initial comment on facebook we would have never had a
discussion like this.

We’ve been having discussions like this for 20 years.

   - mark

 Aus-soaring mailing list
Aus-soaring@lists.base64.com.au [6]
http://lists.base64.com.au/listinfo/aus-soaring [7]


[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiquette_in_technology
[4] mailto:new...@atdot.dotat.org
[5] mailto:deepb...@gmail.com
[6] mailto:Aus-soaring@lists.base64.com.au
[7] http://lists.base64.com.au/listinfo/aus-soaring

Aus-soaring mailing list

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