On 18 Feb 2017, at 11:28 AM, Mike Borgelt <mborg...@borgeltinstruments.com> 
> AOPA made their proposal last year to CASA and the Minister. The CASA paper 
> looks to me like a typical bureaucratic response when the intention is to do 
> nothing. Instead of simply discussing the AOPA proposal it puts ALL medical 
> certification on the table which is guaranteed to draw out the process ad 
> infinitum as people argue about minor details of everything.

It's important to understand that the CASA discussion paper is a response to 
the AOPA proposal, not the other way around.

AOPA rattled chains and kicked over the bins outside the Minister's office in 
response to FAA third class medical reform: "You people are hopeless. Why are 
you insisting on this bureaucratic class 2 medical system for Australia when 
you could be pulling your heads out of your arses and doing what the Americans 
are doing?"

AOPA and SAAA wrote up a proposal. CASA wrote the DP to focus discussion on 
their options instead of the AOPA option.

CASA AVmed doesn't want to de-bureaucratise the system. They'll have to be 
dragged kicking and screaming into it, and whatever passes will probably be 
against their objections.

That's why it's important to have your say. A one line email to CASA will 
suffice; something more substantial in your own words will be even better.

   - mark

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