Do we (ie GFA) have any data on accidents due to medical incapacitation,
which a medical examination might have detected?   I can think of one
incident which may have been related to dehydration hence not related to
medical certification.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 1:15 PM, Jo Pocklington <>

> 23 Feb 17 : CASA Briefing Newsletter - More comments needed on the future
> of medicals
> Time is running down on the chance to have a say on the future of pilot
> medical certification. CASA needs comments from people across the aviation
> community on a comprehensive medical discussion paper. While some people
> have already sent submissions, many more are needed. The paper sets out a
> range of medical certification issues and puts forward a number of options.
> These options range from continuing existing medical requirements to
> developing a new medical certificate for the sport and recreational
> sectors. They also include re-assessing risk tolerances, streamlining
> certification practices, aligning sport and recreational standards and
> mitigating the risks of any changes through operational restrictions. The
> discussion paper looks at a range of other relevant issues such as CASA’s
> approach to aviation medicine, the approach to medical certification in
> four other nations, pilot incapacitation in Australia, accidents and risks,
> psychiatric conditions and the protection of third parties. The discussion
> paper makes it clear CASA’s operational objective is to strive to let as
> many people continue to fly as safely as possible. However, CASA is aware
> there is a perception from some elements of the pilot community that CASA
> can take an overly rigorous approach in terms of testing and contesting
> opinions from other doctors.  Comment on the medical discussion paper
> <> by 30
> March 2017.
> Regarding Class 2 Medical reform, AOPA put forward a proposal on 23 August
> 2016 which you may wish to support (2 page summary CASA discussion paper
> and AOPO recommendation attached).  Possibilities include addressing each
> of the 6 options put forward by CASA, or simply stating that "*the AOPO
> proposal dated 23 August 2016 regarding Class 2 Medical reform is supported
> by me*".  Submissions to by 30 March 17 and should
> include in the subject line:  'AvMed discussion paper'.
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