According to Australian Flying

They have had as few as 10 submissions so far.

Maybe everyone in Australian aviation is just sick of CASA and their obtuse, cloth eared approach to aviation regulation?


At 12:15 PM 2/23/2017, you wrote:

23 Feb 17 : CASA Briefing Newsletter - More comments needed on the future of medicals

Time is running down on the chance to have a say on the future of pilot medical certification. CASA needs comments from people across the aviation community on a comprehensive medical discussion paper. While some people have already sent submissions, many more are needed. The paper sets out a range of medical certification issues and puts forward a number of options. These options range from continuing existing medical requirements to developing a new medical certificate for the sport and recreational sectors. They also include re-assessing risk tolerances, streamlining certification practices, aligning sport and recreational standards and mitigating the risks of any changes through operational restrictions. The discussion paper looks at a range of other relevant issues such as CASA's approach to aviation medicine, the approach to medical certification in four other nations, pilot incapacitation in Australia, accidents and risks, psychiatric conditions and the protection of third parties. The discussion paper makes it clear CASA's operational objective is to strive to let as many people continue to fly as safely as possible. However, CASA is aware there is a perception from some elements of the pilot community that CASA can take an overly rigorous approach in terms of testing and contesting opinions from other doctors. Comment on the <>medical discussion paper by 30 March 2017.

Regarding Class 2 Medical reform, AOPA put forward a proposal on 23 August 2016 which you may wish to support (2 page summary CASA discussion paper and AOPO recommendation attached). Possibilities include addressing each of the 6 options put forward by CASA, or simply stating that "the AOPO proposal dated 23 August 2016 regarding Class 2 Medical reform is supported by me". Submissions to <> by 30 March 17 and should include in the subject line: 'AvMed discussion paper'.

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