On Mon, Feb 11, 2002 at 04:03:11PM +1030, Peter Robinson wrote:

 > how can we make the temp trace for the days flying available before we fly, 
 > ie in SA you can get the Adel Temp Trace from the Met Fax service at around 
 > 11:30am and from your site anywhere between 12pm and 1pm
The new site is much faster - The data is available here within fifteen
minutes of its publication by the BoM.  I'm getting Adelaide data by about
11am, I think.

 > Maybe it would be better to get either Gawler or Waikerie to do a temp
 > trace for the good days over summer and post this on your site at 9am.
 > The cost could be picked up by a levy on all SA pilots maybe?
I can accept "custom" trace data if clubs wish to provide it.  If there's
a demand for that kind of thing it won't be too hard to organize.  I can
easily build a password-protected web page which clubs can use to submit
the results from their own trace flights, and those clubs would show up
in the pop-up menu as another "location", with the trace's submission date
on the "Select time/date" menu.

If anyone wants to pursue this, can they email me direct to sort out
a standardized file format for the exchange of this data?  It doesn't
have to be the same as the format I get from the BoM, I can work with
whatever is easiest to generate (e.g., if you have some kind of instrument
package which exports its results to a file on a computer, I can probably
just accept that file, saving you from having to translate the data before
you send it).

You don't have to send all of the data sets, either:  The code which
generates the graphs doesn't care if you leave-out wind speed, wind
direction or dew point (or temperature, for that matter -- but the

As for a levy:  It could conceivably be to a club's benefit to just do
it -- Think about it:  If you fly a trace and put the result up where
everyone can see it, you really only need to convince a couple of pilots
that today would be a good day to fly to raise enough revenue to pay for
the trace.  It isn't too hard to see that making a trace widely available
could be a revenue-positive action for a club to take -- You make money
when people hire the aircraft and fly them, not when the aircraft are
left in the hangar :-)

 > For the temp trace information to be of benefit to pilots it really
 > needs to be avialable by 9am each day.

That's the problem - the balloon isn't (generally) launched by 9:00am.

But, like I said, if you have some alternative way of getting the data,
I can work with you to help you get it published.  Contact me off-list and
we'll see what we can work out.

   - mark

I tried an internal modem,                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
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