At 04:48 PM 31/05/02 +1000, you wrote:
>        I asked a similar question when I first saw the proposal for the
>recreational pilots license, and it was suggested to me that
>recreational license holders who wanted/needed to fly aircraft larger than
>allowed on the recreational license could upgrade. It was also
>suggested that the upgrade may be cheaper than the traditional way with
>gliding/AUF hours counting 100% towards the full license. Time will tell.
>Slightly off the thread wasn't the (R) PPL replaced by something else some
>years ago, and the PPL issued on completion of the
>successful completion of the navigation training?

I think we should remember that so far all we have is a discussion paper.
It isn't even an NPRM yet so all this stuff might be quite flexible. It
does accur to me that " what is so magic about 180hp". The PPL is intended
to be ICAO aligned and allow the holder to fly in all classes of airspace
but this doesn't say anything about a pilot's ability to fly a high
performance aircraft which is in my opinion a separate issue.

At present there is a GFPT (General Flying Progress Test) - similar to the
old Restricted PPL but with significant other conditions although you can
take passengers in the local training area. You can get a PPL at present to
go anywhere in G airspace(useful for farmers in western Queensland) and get
add ons for airpace (radar and non radar etc.)

Thinking about this there may well be some opposition(and difficulty) in
our western Queensland farmer actually getting one of the new ICAO aligned

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