At 03:29 PM 3/06/02 CST, you wrote:
>Hello Mike
>       An excellent suggestion!  I recently bought a brand new Microair 
>760 ch VHF for the glider and I am now making the old Radair into a 
>portable base radio, hence the need for the wiring diagram.
>       BTW.  -  You are right the Microair is an excellent radio, worthy in 
>fact of installing in the best Cirrus in Australia!  (Just a shame the
pilot is 
>not as good as the glider, -- Yet. )

Been there, done that, with old radios - buy another MicroAir and save the

I have Terra workshop manuals for the TPX720 and TRT250 transponder and
AT3000 altitude encoder. I've just installed an TRT250 and AT3000 that I've
had for a few years.

Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments
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